I have availability for Private, Semi-Private, or Private Group Lessons. I am also open to scheduling a group package if there is enough requests. You can schedule your lessons by emailing me at kgr@swimzone.us
Please attach a copy of the signed liability waiver form.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 1:00pm-3:00pm
Thursdays 1:00-2:00pm
Saturdays 12:00-12:30pm and 1:30-2:30pm
Private lessons are one swimmer in a lesson with the instructor. Semi-Private is 2 swimmers in a lesson. Private Group is 3 or more swimmers in the lesson with the instructor. A Private Group has more flexibility in scheduling the lesson than in a group package lesson, and who is in the lesson is approved by the group. You can find more information under the swim lesson policies page. You may pay for your lessons in person prior to the lesson in cash, or I am providing a Pay Link for your convenience. If you use the link then please add 4% for payment processing. You may pay for multiple lessons at a time if you schedule them. I will email you your package price.
30 minute $60
45 minute $80
60 minute $100
30 minute $40 per swimmer
45 minute $50 per swimmer
60 minute $70 per swimmer
30 minute classes $35 per swimmer
45 minute classes $45 per swimmer
60 minute classes $55 per swimmer
At this time no group lesson packages are scheduled. Please email me at kgr@swimzone.us if you are interested in a group package. When I have enough interest then I will add a group.
2300 Hazel Road Lake Oswego,
OR 97034